
Meet Natasha
My name is Natasha Crow, I am the founder of Epiphany Rejuvenation Sanctuary. I have 15 years of expertise in the holistic skin care business. I reside in beautiful Sarasota, Florida, where I provide the most exquisite Natural Skin Care Offerings, MedSpa Skin Treatments and Spa Body Treatments.
I was born in Hereford, England. I spent most of my life in the Port City of Exeter. When I was nineteen, I immigrated to the United States and was fortunate to work with my Dad at his antique business.
Although I loved the antique and interior design business, I longed to study Natural Health. Several years ago I was blending some essential oils and I wondered why this hobby gave me so much joy? I remembered when I was younger, walking down the "lane" as my Auntie Queenie calls it, looking for flowers, or plants that I could take home. I wanted to look for their medicinal value and see how they could improve health. I had no idea what would drive me to write pages and pages of medicinal benefits for plants, I was 10 years old! I started my journey searching book shop sales for herb and essential oil books, still do!
In my practice, I've become known for a healing and compassionate touch, while nourishing the skin with certified organic, non-toxic lotions, potions and essential oils. I choose companies that give back to their communities and the world whenever possible. I am also on an endless search of the world to find 100% vegan, non-toxic products that use recycled packaging materials and vegetable inks.
Your care and comfort is my top priority. I am committed to excellence and providing gracious service. My clients have told me they call me exclusively for a number of reasons, including my dedication, honesty and compassion.
In addition, I am able to develop a customized program for your skin that safely approaches your health and lifestyle concerns.
Natasha Crow, Founder

"Epiphany . . . It’s all of our Enlightenments or Epiphanies that I feel guide us to our happy path."

Giving Back
Throughout our lives we are affected by different events, some are life-changing. These events may be the tragic loss of a loved one, illness and disease, a terrible accident, a disaster in the world or a relationship with an animal or someone you meet. Events like these often inspire us to make a change. When we BELIEVE in something, and we know we can make a difference, we see people at their best. I am very lucky that I have been able to FEEL this passion, the need, and want to make a difference. For me, it's animals that I FEEL an overwhelming fear for, because I know every second they are being abused, tortured, and murdered. I feel a sense of urgency and such sadness. If you have a pet, a dog or a cat, when you look into it's lovely little eyes, know that these are the same eyes of a cow, a pig, or any other living creature. They are not ours to harm. Whatever it is that you FEEL don't let the sadness keep you down, every step makes a difference. SO...Let's Do Something!
My personal PASSION is helping animals because they can't speak, they can't help themselves, they have no voice, we must be the change for them, "Be the change you want to see in the world" Mahatma Ghandi. Speak up for the voiceless or whatever you want to change. Animals FEEL, maybe not like a human does, but it doesn't matter HOW they feel, they FEEL! Every living creature has a mission to survive just like we do, large or small they all feel pain and they can all suffer just like we can.
That being said, a way I GIVE BACK is through gift certificates! When you purchase a gift certificate from Epiphany for any of the 1-hour treatments on the Main Menu of Delights, I will donate $10 to one of the charities below. When I reach $100, I send it to one of the four charities displayed.
I once heard of a spa in Sarasota that sold $100,000 in gift certificates, can you imagine? That would be $10,000 in charitable donations for the animals. What a wonderful goal. I have a dream to introduce Epiphany all over the country, so I can make a difference for animals and people. Power to the people, power in numbers, and a brighter future for all! "The greatness of a nation and it's moral progress can be judged by the way it's animals are treated" -Mahatma GhandiIf
If you have an idea about raising money for something you are passionate about, and you think I may be able to help you, please let me know and I will do all I can!
Natasha Crow
"My goal in life is to end as much suffering as I can."